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The Del Norte Amateur Radio Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donations

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Welcome to the Del Norte Amateur Radio Club Website!
It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation among members, by promoting radio knowledge and individual operating efficiency. DNARC conducts club programs and activities to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio within the county including, Crescent City, Hiouchi, Smith River, Gasquet, Fort Dick and Klamath California.



146.880 (-) 136.5 Del Norte Amateur Radio Club, Crescent City

147.180 (+) 136.5 Camp Six - Cave Junction, Grants Pass Areas

147.390 (+) 136.5 Del Norte Amateur Radio Club, Klamath

145.350 (-) 136.5 Del Norte Amateur Radio Club, Hiouchi

147.540 (s) 136.5 Crescent City IRLP Node 8260

443.100 (+) 100.0 Smith River Linked WIN System


146.960 (-) 88.5 Pelican Bay Amateur Radio Club, Brookings, OR

146.840 (-) 88.5 Pelican Bay Amateur Radio Club, Brookings, OR

147.250 (+) 88.5 Bosley Butte, 15 miles North of Brookings, OR

146.740 (-) 88.5 Gold Beach Grizzly Mountain, Gold Beach, OR

147.200 (+) 118.8 Port Orford Hams, Port Orford, OR

440.725 (+) 114.8 Port Orford Hams, Port Orford, OR


146.700 (-) 103.5 Eureka, CA Linked FAR

145.470 (-) 103.5 Eureka, CA Linked FAR

146.610 (-) 103.5 Pratt Mtn, Linked FAR

146.790 (-) 103.5 Shelter Cove, Linked SHARC

147.150 (+) 103.5 Pratt Mtn, Linked HWY 101

146.940 (-) 103.5 Shelter Cove, Linked SHARC

147.000 (+) 103.5 Horse Mtn, Linked FAR

442.000 (+) 100.0 Horse Mtn, Linked FAR

146.760 (-) 103.5 Monument Peak, Linked FAR

145.150 (-) 103.5 Mt Pierce, Linked FAR

147.330 (+) 103.5 Grasshopper Hill, Linked FAR

146.940 (+) 103.5 Mad River, Linked FAR

JCEC Networked Repeaters

Fiddler Mt. 146.76 PL 162.2  - Cave Junction, OR

8$ Mt. 145.49 PL 136.5  - Cave Junction, OR

Onion Mt. 145.15 PL 162.2  - Cave Junction, OR

Mt. Bluey 147.14 PL 162.2  - Grants Pass, OR

Fielder 146.76 PL 136.5  - Grants Pass, OR

King Mt. 147.34 PL 136.5  - Grants Pass, OR (Hub)

Elk Mt. 145.27 PL 136.5  - Grants Pass, OR

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